Wednesday, 15 May 2013

(Con)temporary Space-Time 時.空.間 柏林行為藝術月-台灣行為藝術 A neo-generation of Taiwanese artists and history of Taiwanese performance/action art

Exhibition:11-31/May/2013 Venues: Rosalux Gallery

Neue Hochstrasse 31,13347,Berlin-Wedding

Curator策展人:洪韻婷Yun-Ting Hung鄒逸真 I-chen Tsou,藍洪祥 Lan Hungh

柏林當今儼然成為國際藝術家及作品大量湧入的多元藝術文化新都,無論是政經地理位置或是藝術創作環境,其在國際藝術間的地位都有其不可被取代的重要性。近十年的發展,亞州地區國家例如南韓及日本,都已漸漸在柏林深根出屬於自身國家文化的平台,除擁有大型國家支持空間外,藝術家之間的連結和互助都十分緊密,因此,此次策展人洪韵婷、藍Hungh和鄒逸真企圖藉由入選2013年「柏林表演藝術月Month of Performance Art in Berlin」策展團隊的機會,策劃台灣藝術展演,來達到在國際間實質的台灣藝術能見度,以及建立台灣與藝術新都的友善交流橋梁、開創全球性的視野,並與柏林各藝術單位達成長遠合作關係為目標。


本展覽將從2013511日至531日,由共計十七位來自台灣的藝術家,於柏林五處相當具指標性的展覽空間以及小劇場表演展出,並透過Performer Stammtisch的網路平台,以及受邀於Live Art Review中與觀者、創作者和策展人產生即時性對談。閉幕活動則會連結閉幕場地當地Wedding的藝術週Kolonie Wedding

Berlin, a city of art and multi-cultural perspective, where international artists stream in with their artworks. It stands an essential position amongst the world politically, economically and geographically, as well as in creative environment. Through this opportunity of Month of Performance Art in Berlin, curators (Yun-Ting HungLan HunghI-Chen Tsou) wish to actually bring Taiwanese art to international audience with (CON)TEMPORARY SPACE-TIME.
There are two subjects involved in this project. A neo-generation of Taiwanese artists and history of Taiwanese performance/action art, and image exhibition and on-the-spot performance. Presenting the history and uniqueness of Taiwanese performance/action art, exploring how body, behaviour and space are linked to each other. As well as how the artists present and define “time” in this specific background of time. Through these two subjects, every artist will variously carry out their own definition and presentation within “time, context and space.”
The exhibiting holds for one month since May 2013. 17 Taiwanese artists will be performing in prestigious galleries and intimate theatres in Berlin.