Sunday, 3 March 2013

instant 42 (gallery/studio/residency)一個自家空間的藝術計畫, 一個在藝術與自家空間,關於藝術與生活的徹底實踐的新聚所。

I n s t a n t 4 2 (Art Residency /Studio/Gallery)

Instant 42 ,一個自家空間的藝術計畫, 一個在藝術與自家空間,關於藝術與生活的


I n s t a n t 4 2 是一個新的藝術空間,也同時是一個創作計畫,把如何策展, 將空間活化,在生活與藝術


42,此空間的原址的號碼。 根據道格拉斯·亞當斯的小說《銀河便車指南》,42是「生命、宇宙以及任何

事情的終極答案 ,the answer to life,the universe,and everything 。」Instant,即時的、短暫的、瞬


Instant 42,為一個因應,生命無常,藝術生態急變下,一個在藝術與自家空間,關於藝術、


Instant 42 is the creation of the artist Yujun Ye — a site of habitation, creation, and exhibition. 

It is an art gallery, a studio complex, and an artist residency, all curated within the intervals of 

artistic and domestic life.

42 is the street address. In ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’, Douglas Adams cites this 

number as ‘the answer to life, the universe and everything.’ This Instant is immediate, fleeting, 

momentary and swift.

Instant 42 responds to the impermanence of life—an experimental ecology of practices that 

combine the avant garde with the rhythms of the street and of everyday existence. Through her 

experiment of “home plus art space”, Yujun seeks to combine the experiences and attitudes of 

the local community with the activities and exhibitions of all the artists involved with Instant 42.